Worldwide Mr. Gay
This year held in Oslo, Norway, The pageant is held, in part, to bring awareness to gay rights issues.
Armpit Queen
Contestants have to prove the utility of their armpits, and winners took the crown by chugging beer held in their pits and gluing Mormon crickets to their underarms.
Miss Beautiful Morals
Saudi Arabia’s Miss Beautiful Morals pageant, created by Khadra al-Mubarak in 2008. Contestants in the competition are picked based on who shows the most respect for her parents. Last year the winner took home $2,600 and additional prizes.
This year held in Oslo, Norway, The pageant is held, in part, to bring awareness to gay rights issues.
Armpit Queen
Contestants have to prove the utility of their armpits, and winners took the crown by chugging beer held in their pits and gluing Mormon crickets to their underarms.
Miss Beautiful Morals
Saudi Arabia’s Miss Beautiful Morals pageant, created by Khadra al-Mubarak in 2008. Contestants in the competition are picked based on who shows the most respect for her parents. Last year the winner took home $2,600 and additional prizes.
Miss Jumbo Queen
You must weigh at least 175 pounds to enter. Women dressed in Thai garb participate in a talent portion, answer questions about health and social issues.
Miss Jumbo Queen gets a cash prize, a home exercise program and other weight loss resources.
Miss Atom
Started in 2004, women working in the nuclear industry compete for Russia’s “Miss Atom” competition and the winner is chosen by online voting.
Miss Landmine
This pageant, held in both Angola and Cambodia, says “Everybody has the right to feel beautiful.” Contestants are chosen by the Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization, and the pageant winner receives a customized prosthesis.
Miss Plastic Hungary
Breast implants, fake tans and cosmetic teeth. Yes for the Miss Plastic Hungary pageant, artificial enhancements a requirement and proof that they have gone under the knife.
Drag pageants
Drag shows and competitions take place at almost any venues on any given night. Miss Drag America is one of the best known, and it takes place the day after the Miss America pageant in Atlantic City, N.J.
Mr. and Miss Mosquito Legs
Yeah this is one funny title.
Held at the Great Texas Mosquito Festival in Clute, contestants have to show they’ve got the skinniest, knobbiest knees in town and the winner is chosen by an audience poll.
Untamed Beauty contest
Au Natural is the theme here and stretch marks, cellulite, wrinkles, are all fine.
As a statement against traditional beauty contests, Untamed Beauty was open to all genders, shapes and sizes, valuing faces and bodies that looked like they had been through the wringer. “
Miss Klingon Empire
Held annually since 1998 at the September Star Trek convention in Atlanta, the Miss Klingon Empire showcases women dressed up as a character from Star Trek’s Klingon warrior race.
Siberian prison beauty pageant
This one's got the women in Siberian prison competing for freedom. Started in 1990, The “Miss Spring” beauty pageant was a way to keep the convicts occupied and can help participants get early parole.
Italian priest Father Antonio Rungi wanted to honor the nuns by competing them in an online pageant. However his supervisors didn’t get his thoughts, and he was forced to cancel, before it took off.