Monday, January 11, 2010

Are you up for the challenge?

Yes, Modelling is almost like a challenge you take up in life.
Its not like other professions where you report to work do your job and back home. In a sense modelling has a lot to do with travelling, adapting to new places, staying under the arclights, going for auditions time and again and phew!

This is just the beginning...

However if everything done professionally and the right way can yield great results for the future. Earlier people would criticize modelling for being a hobby or side job but today Modelling is the profession. Everybody wants to taste it...

The money is good, the travelling is great and the circles have widened. But the bigger truth is how one enters the field.

TMA primarily concentrates on doing it the right way! As a model you never know when oppurtunity comes calling therefore its important to be prepared at all times.
TMA, The Modelling Academy does just that.

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